
Table below list the VRPSolver parameters available to the user. In addition the user may provide the following information to improve the solver performance.

  • Designation of the first main resource which will be used for the bi-directional labelling.
  • Priorities for branching strategies.
  • Distance matrix between elementarity sets for defining initial $ng$-sets and for local search heuristic separation of $l$-row rank-1 cuts with $l\geq 5$.
ParameterDescriptionDefault value
GlobalTimeLimitUser time limit for the execution21474836 seconds
MaxNbOfBBtreeNodeTreatedMax number of nodes in the b&b tree100000
RCSPstopCutGenTimeThresholdInPricingTime threshold for the labeling algorithm10 seconds
RCSPhardTimeThresholdInPricingTime threshold for the labeling algorithm20 seconds
RCSPnumberOfBucketsPerVertexCalculation of step size for buckets25
RCSPdynamicBucketStepsCalculation of step size for buckets1 (on)
RCSPuseBidirectionalSearchBi-directional search2
RCSPapplyReducedCostFixingBucket arc elimination1 (on)
RCSPmaxNumOfColsPerExactIterationMax. # of generated columns per iteration150
RCSPmaxNumOfColsPerIterationMax. # of generated columns per iteration30
StabilizationMinPhaseOfStageMinimum stage for stabilization0 (everywhere)
RCSPmaxNumOfLabelsInEnumerationMax. # of labels in the enumeration1000000
RCSPmaxNumOfEnumeratedSolutionsMax. # of paths in the enumeration1000000
RCSPmaxNumOfEnumSolutionsForMIPMax. total # of enumerated paths for MIP10000
RCSPmaxNumOfEnumSolsForEndOfNodeMIPMax. total # of enumerated paths for MIP at the end of a node10000
RCSPinitNGneighbourhoodSizeInitial size of ng-sets8
RCSPmaxNGneighbourhoodSizeMaximum size of ng-sets8
RCSPrankOneCutsMaxNumPerRoundLimited-memory rank-1 cuts parameter 1100
RCSPrankOneCutsMaxNumRowsLimited-memory rank-1 cuts parameter 25
RCSPrankOneCutsMemoryTypeLimited-memory rank-1 cuts parameter 32
RCSPallowRoutesWithSameVerticesSetAvoid inserting routes with the same set of vertices from the same pricing into the Master LP.true (on)
RCSPredCostFixingFalseGapEdge and path elimination based on a false gap FG=(UB-LB)/RCSPredCostFixingFalseGap0 (off)
RCSPmaxNumOfLabelsInHeurEnumerationMax. number of labels in the heuristic enumeration.– (MaxTimeForRestrictedMasterIpHeur must be active)
CutTailingOffThresholdCut generation tailing-off parameter 10.02 (2%)
CutTailingOffCounterThresholdCut generation tailing-off parameter 23
SafeDualBoundScaleFactorNumerically safe dual bound multiplier-1 (off)
StrongBranchingPhaseOneCandidatesNumberStrong branching parameter for phase 1100
StrongBranchingPhaseOneTreeSizeEstimRatioStrong branching parameter for phase 10.3
StrongBranchingPhaseTwoCandidatesNumberStrong branching parameter for phase 23
StrongBranchingPhaseTwoTreeSizeEstimRatioStrong branching parameter for phase 20.1
MaxTimeForRestrictedMasterIpHeurRestricted master heuristic-1 (off)
DivingHeurUseDepthLimitDiving heuristic (with LDS)-1 (off)
MaxLDSdepthDiving heuristic (with LDS)0
MaxLDSbreadthDiving heuristic (with LDS)0
CallFrequencyOfRestrictedMasterIpHeurFrequency (in terms of nodes) in which the restricted master heuristic is invoked (it is first called at the root node)– (MaxTimeForRestrictedMasterIpHeur must be active)
MIPemphasisInRestrictedMasterIpHeurSet the MIP solver to concentrate on improving primal bound at the expense of improving lower bound.– (MaxTimeForRestrictedMasterIpHeur must be active)
MaxNumEnumSolsInRestrictedMasterIpHeurMax. number of enumerated solutions in the restricted master heuristic.– (MaxTimeForRestrictedMasterIpHeur must be active)