Papers which use VRPSolver

Papers independent from the authors of the solver

  1. Adamo, T., G. Ghiani, P. Greco, and E. Guerriero. 2021. “Properties and Bounds for the Single-Vehicle Capacitated Routing Problem with Time-Dependent Travel Times and Multiple Trips.” INSTICC; SciTePress.
  2. Azevedo Junior, Celio Manso de, Carlos Francisco Simoes Gomes, Marcos dos Santos, Tulio Mozart Pires de Castro Araujo, and Renato Milhomem de Oliveira Filho. 2023. “ROTEIRIZAÇÃo DAS COLETAS DE AMOSTRAS DE ÁGUA PARA CONTROLE DA QUALIDADE DE UMA EMPRESA pÚBLICA DE SANEAMENTO: APLICAÇÃo DO PROBLEMA DE ROTEAMENTO DE VEÍCULOS (VRP) POR MEIO DA FERRAMENTA VRPSOLVEREASY.” In Anais Do Congresso Nacional de Excelencia Em Gestão (CNEG).
  3. Bertazzi, Luca, and Xingyin Wang. 2022. “Matheuristics with Performance Guarantee for the Unsplit and Split Delivery Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem.” Networks 80 (4): 482–501.
  4. Borges, Yulle G. F., Rafael C. S. Schouery, and Flávio K. Miyazawa. 2023. “Mathematical Models and Exact Algorithms for the Colored Bin Packing Problem.”
  5. Clementino, Thailsson, and Rosiane de Freitas. 2023. “Roteamento Com Restrições Temporais: Formulação IP, Estratégias Algorı́tmicas e Casos Polinomiais Em Grafos.” Revista Eletrônica de Iniciação Cientı́fica Em Computação 21 (2): 41–50.
  6. Eti, Serkan, and Mehmet İnel. 2022. “KÜMELEME VE TASARRUF ALGORİTMASI YARDIMIYLA SİPARİŞ TOPLAMA PROBLEMİ ÜZERİNE AMPİRİK BİR UYGULAMA.” Journal of Research in Business 7 (IMISC2021 Special Issue): 80–90.
  7. Farronato, Nicola. 2023. “On the Exact Solution of the Capacitated Arc Routing Problem.” Master’s thesis, Department of Information Engineering, University of Padova.
  8. Gao, Kai, and Jingjin Yu. 2021. “Capacitated Vehicle Routing with Target Geometric Constraints.” In 2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 7925–30.
  9. Gao, Mujin, Yanru Chen, Junheng Li, and M. I. M. Wahab. 2023. “Hybrid Branch-and-Price-and-Cut Algorithm for the Two-Dimensional Vector Packing Problem with Time Windows.” Computers & Operations Research 157: 106267.
  10. Guillen, Reyes Fernando O., Jean-Yves Potvin, Michel Gendreau, and Thibaut Vidal. 2023. “Impact of Distance Data Inaccuracies on Vehicle Routing Algorithms: An Experimental Study.” Research report 2023-21. CIRRELT.
  11. Li, Jingwen, Yining Ma, Ruize Gao, Zhiguang Cao, Andrew Lim, Wen Song, and Jie Zhang. 2022. “Deep Reinforcement Learning for Solving the Heterogeneous Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem.” IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 52 (12): 13572–85.
  12. Morabit, Mouad, Guy Desaulniers, and Andrea Lodi. 2023. “Learning to Repeatedly Solve Routing Problems.” Networks online.
  13. Nekooghadirli, Najmeh, Michel Gendreau, Jean-Yves Potvin, and Thibaut Vidal. 2022. “Workload Equity in Multi-Period Vehicle Routing Problems.” arXiv.
  14. Paro, Davide. 2022. “A Branch-and-Cut Based Pricer for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem.” Master’s thesis, Department of Information Engineering, University of Padova.
  15. Pereira Oliveira, Willian Jorge. 2022. “Last Mile Delivery with Lockers, Formulations and Heuristics.” Master’s thesis, Universidade Federal de Viçosa.
  16. Polten, Lukas, and Simon Emde. 2022. “Multi-Shuttle Crane Scheduling in Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems.” European Journal of Operational Research 302 (3): 892–908.
  17. Praxedes, Rafael Maranhão Rego. 2022. “Uma Abordagem Exata Unificada Para Uma Classe de Problemas de Roteamento de Veículos Come Coleta e Entrega Simultâneas.” Master’s thesis, Programa de pós-graduação em informática, Universidade Federal da Paraíba.
  18. Roboredo, Marcos Costa, Carlos Leonardo Ramos Póvoa, André Soares Velasco, and Frederico Galaxe Paes. 2022. “An Exact Approach for the Multi-Compartment Vehicle Routing Problem.” In Anais Do LIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional.
  19. Roboredo, Marcos, Vinicius Carvalho Soares, Patrick Doglio, and Helder Gomes Costa. 2022. “UM ALGORITMO EXATO PARA UM PROBLEMA DE ROTEAMENTO DE VEÍCULOS SELETIVO COM mÚLTIPLOS DEPÓSITOS e PRECIFICAÇÃo.” In Anais Do LIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional. Vol. 54. 152743.
  20. Soares, Vinicius Carvalho, and Marcos Roboredo. 2023. “On the Exact Solution of the Multi-Depot Open Vehicle Routing Problem.” Optimization Letters online.
  21. Subramanyam, Anirudh, Taner Cokyasar, Jeffrey Larson, and Monique Stinson. 2022. “Joint Routing of Conventional and Range-Extended Electric Vehicles in a Large Metropolitan Network.” Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 144: 103830.
  22. Volte, Gabriel, Eric Bourreau, Rodolphe Giroudeau, and Olivier Naud. 2023. “Using VRPSolver to Efficiently Solve the Differential Harvest Problem.” Computers & Operations Research 149: 106029.
  23. Wang, Akang, Anirudh Subramanyam, and Chrysanthos E. Gounaris. 2022. “Robust Vehicle Routing Under Uncertainty via Branch-Price-and-Cut.” Optimization and Engineering 23 (4): 1895–1948.

Papers by the authors of the solver

  1. Balster, Isaac, Teobaldo Bulhões, Pedro Munari, Artur Alves Pessoa, and Ruslan Sadykov. 2023. “A New Family of Route Formulations for Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problems.” Transportation Science 57 (5): 1359–78.
  2. Ben Mohamed, Imen, Walid Klibi, Ruslan Sadykov, Halil Şen, and François Vanderbeck. 2023. “The Two-Echelon Stochastic Multi-Period Capacitated Location-Routing Problem.” European Journal of Operational Research 306 (2): 645–67.
  3. Bulhões, Teobaldo, Ruslan Sadykov, Anand Subramanian, and Eduardo Uchoa. 2020. “On the Exact Solution of a Large Class of Parallel Machine Scheduling Problems.” Journal of Scheduling 23 (4): 411–29.
  4. Clautiaux, François, Siham Essoudaigui, Alain Nguyen, Ruslan Sadykov, and Nawel Younes. 2023. “Models and Algorithms for Configuring Prototype Vehicles and Scheduling Tests in the Car Industry.” Research report HAL-04185248. Inria.
  5. Clementino, Thailsson, Juan Rosas, Rosiane De Freitas, and Eduardo Uchoa. 2022. “Solving Real Urban VRPTW Instances by Applying a Branch-Cut-and-Price via VRPsolver.” In 2022 XVLIII Latin American Computer Conference (CLEI), 1–8.
  6. Damião, Caio Marinho, João Marcos Pereira Silva, and Eduardo Uchoa. 2023. “A Branch-Cut-and-Price Algorithm for the Cumulative Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem.” 4OR 21: 47–71.
  7. Errami, Najib, Eduardo Queiroga, Ruslan Sadykov, and Eduardo Uchoa. 2023. VRPSolverEasy: A Python Library for the Exact Solution of a Rich Vehicle Routing Problem.” INFORMS Journal on Computing online.
  8. Freitas, Matheus, João Marcos Pereira Silva, and Eduardo Uchoa. 2023. “A Unified Exact Approach for Clustered and Generalized Vehicle Routing Problems.” Computers & Operations Research 149: 106040.
  9. Liguori, Pedro Henrique, A. Ridha Mahjoub, Guillaume Marques, Ruslan Sadykov, and Eduardo Uchoa. 2023. “Nonrobust Strong Knapsack Cuts for Capacitated Location Routing and Related Problems.” Operations Research 71 (5): 1577–95.
  10. Marques, Guillaume, Ruslan Sadykov, Jean-Christophe Deschamps, and Rémy Dupas. 2020. “An Improved Branch-Cut-and-Price Algorithm for the Two-Echelon Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem.” Computers & Operations Research 114: 104833.
  11. Oliveira, Bruno, Artur Alves Pessoa, and Marcos Roboredo. 2023. “Um Conjunto de Restrições Fortalecidas Para o Problema de Cobertura Multi-Veı́culo.” In Anais Do LV Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional. Vol. 55. 160611.
  12. Pessoa, Artur, Michael Poss, Ruslan Sadykov, and François Vanderbeck. 2021. “Branch-and-cut-and-price for the robust capacitated vehicle routing problem with knapsack uncertainty.” Operations Research 69 (3): 739-754.
  13. Pessoa, Artur, Ruslan Sadykov, and Eduardo Uchoa. 2021. “Solving Bin Packing Problems Using VRPSolver Models.” Operations Research Forum 2 (2): 20.
  14. Praxedes, Rafael, Teobaldo Bulhões, Anand Subramanian, and Eduardo Uchoa. 2024. “A Unified Exact Approach for a Broad Class of Vehicle Routing Problems with Simultaneous Pickup and Delivery.” Computers & Operations Research 162: 106467.
  15. Queiroga, Eduardo, Yuri Frota, Ruslan Sadykov, Anand Subramanian, Eduardo Uchoa, and Thibaut Vidal. 2020. “On the Exact Solution of Vehicle Routing Problems with Backhauls.” European Journal of Operational Research 287 (1): 76–89.
  16. Queiroga, Eduardo, Ruslan Sadykov, and Eduardo Uchoa. 2021. “A POPMUSIC Matheuristic for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem.” Computers & Operations Research 136: 105475.
  17. Queiroga, Eduardo, Ruslan Sadykov, Eduardo Uchoa, and Thibaut Vidal. 2022. “10,000 Optimal CVRP Solutions for Testing Machine Learning Based Heuristics.” In AAAI-22 Workshop on Machine Learning for Operations Research (ML4OR).
  18. Roboredo, Marcos, Ruslan Sadykov, and Eduardo Uchoa. 2023. “Solving Vehicle Routing Problems with Intermediate Stops Using VRPSolver Models.” Networks 81 (3): 399–416.
  19. Silva, João Marcos Pereira, Marcos Roboredo, Diogo Ferreira de Lima Silva, and Eduardo Uchoa. 2023. “UM MODELO EXATO PARA o ORIENTEERING PROBLEM COM SELEÇÃo DE HOTÉIS.” In Anais Do LV Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional. Vol. 55. 160596.

Last updated: January 3, 2024.