Get started with VRPSolver

This tutorial teaches you how to set up and run the VRPSolver on Linux and Windows/MacOS systems. While assuming the use of Cplex 12.10, this tutorial can be used in an equivalent way for installation with Cplex 12.9.


First, follow the instructions to manage Docker as a non-root user (without sudo).

Installation of bapdock.img

Import and run the Docker image:

docker import -c "ENTRYPOINT [\"/julia\"]" bapdock.img bapdock-init
docker run -it -d --name bapdock-cont bapdock-init

Run this command to get the container-ID:

docker ps

Enter the subdirectory of your cplex installation which contains the shared libraries (e.g. /opt/ibm/ILOG/CPLEX_Studio1210/cplex/bin/x86-64_linux) and create a copy of with the name

Copy your cplex folder to inside the container:

docker cp /ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_CPLEX_ROOT/cplex bapdock-cont:/cplex

For example, if your CPLEX 12.10 is installed at /opt/ibm/ILOG/CPLEX_Studio1210 this command should be:

docker cp /opt/ibm/ILOG/CPLEX_Studio1210/cplex bapdock-cont:/cplex

Commit the modified container as an image named bapdock

docker commit container-ID bapdock

Stop and remove the bapdock-init container:

docker stop container-ID
docker rm container-ID

Running a Julia VRPSolver application through the docker

To run the application from your local machine command line, you must mount (-v) the user julia VRPSolver application folder under any name and the last arguments must be the main script .jl of the application, followed by the application arguments:

docker run --rm -v /ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_VRPSOLVER_APP:/MyApp bapdock /MyApp/myapp.jl arg1 arg2 ... argn

The VRPSolver application folder is mounted as /MyApp in the Docker container filesystem. For example, for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP) demo (available here), we can call:

docker run --rm -v /ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_CVRP_APP:/CVRP bapdock /CVRP/src/run.jl /CVRP/data/A/A-n37-k6.vrp -m 6 -M 6 -u 950 -o /CVRP/sol/A-n37-k6.sol

which solves the instance A-n37-k6.vrp using exactly 6 vehicles (-m and -M defines the minimum and maximum number of vehicles, respectively), an upper bound of 950 and writes the solution at /CVRP/sol/A-n37-k6.sol. Note that for the arguments after bapdock we need to consider the container filesystem (/CVRP) to access the application and I/O arguments. All changes into /CVRP and subdirectories will be reflected at /ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_CVRP_APP.

When running from the local machine command line, Julia code will be compiled each time and thus building the model takes some time (like 30 seconds in a typical machine) even for small instances. The reported solution time, counted only after the code is compiled, is not affected.

To decrease recompilation time while creating/debugging the application, you can run the application in the interactive mode:

docker run -it --rm -v /ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_VRPSOLVER_APP:/MyApp bapdock

For example, for CVRP demo, we can call:

docker run -it --rm -v /ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_CVRP_APP:/CVRP bapdock

and to run the application inside the Julia environment, type (one at a time)

include("/CVRP/src/run.jl") # load CVRP demo
main(["/CVRP/data/A/A-n37-k6.vrp","-m","6","-M","6","-u","950","-o","/CVRP/sol/A-n37-k6.sol"]) # run CVRP demo
main(["/CVRP/data/A/A-n37-k5.vrp","-m","5","-M","5","-u","670"]) # running another instance without writing the solution
args = ["/CVRP/data/A/A-n37-k5.vrp","-m","5","-M","5","-u","671"] # defining arguments before
main(args) # running with predefined arguments

You can edit the application on your local machine and load inside Julia environment in the docker to test you changes, using "include". In this case, recompilation time will be minimized.

To quit the Julia environment, type


Other demos are available at the home page.

Easier way of running a Julia VRPSolver application

There is a bash script called VRPSolver available for each demo application to avoid call Docker directly. For example, for CVRP demo (see README.txt in the demo for more details), we can call:

./VRPSolver data/A/A-n37-k5.vrp -m 5 -M 5 -u 670

instead of:

docker run --rm -v /ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_CVRP_APP:/CVRP bapdock /CVRP/src/run.jl /CVRP/data/A/A-n37-k5.vrp -m 5 -M 5 -u 670

Windows or MacOS

First, make sure the Docker is in running status. If you are using Docker Toolbox, please use the Docker QuickStart Terminal to run Docker.

How to extract CPLEX

Create a folder named cplexdocker
Get CPLEX 12.10 installer file for Linux 64 from IBM ILOG (let's assume the file name is cplex_studio1210.linux-x86-64.bin) and move it to the folder cplexdocker
Also, move the bapdock.img to cplexdocker
Create a text file named Dockerfile_extract_cplex.txt at cplexdocker folder with this content:

FROM ubuntu
RUN apt-get update ; apt-get install -y openjdk-8-jre
COPY cplex_studio1210.linux-x86-64.bin /
RUN (echo 2 ; echo ; echo 1 ; echo / ; echo y ; echo ; echo; echo; echo 2; echo ) | bash ./cplex_studio1210.linux-x86-64.bin

Run these commands at the directory cplexdocker:

docker build -t ubuntu_with_cplex -f Dockerfile_extract_cplex.txt .
docker create --name ubuntu_with_cplex ubuntu_with_cplex

Copy the installed cplex to cplexdocker folder:

docker cp ubuntu_with_cplex:/cplex .

Enter the folder cplex/bin/x86-64_linux/ and rename to

Installation of bapdock.img

Import and run the Docker image:

docker import -c "ENTRYPOINT [\"/julia\"]" bapdock.img bapdock-init
docker run -it -d --name bapdock-cont bapdock-init

Run this command to get the container-ID:

docker ps

Copy your cplex folder to inside the container:

docker cp cplex bapdock-cont:/cplex

Commit the modified container as an image named bapdock

docker commit container-ID bapdock

Stop and remove the bapdock-init container:

docker stop container-ID
docker rm container-ID

Running a Julia VRPSolver application through the docker

To run the application from your local machine command line, you must mount (-v) the user julia VRPSolver application folder under any name and the last arguments must be the main script .jl of the application, followed by the application arguments:

docker run --rm -v /ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_VRPSOLVER_APP:/MyApp bapdock /MyApp/myapp.jl arg1 arg2 ... argn

The VRPSolver application folder is mounted as /MyApp in the Docker container filesystem. For example, for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP) demo (available here), we can call:

docker run --rm -v /ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_CVRP_APP:/CVRP bapdock /CVRP/src/run.jl /CVRP/data/A/A-n37-k6.vrp -m 6 -M 6 -u 950 -o /CVRP/sol/A-n37-k6.sol

which solves the instance A-n37-k6.vrp using exactly 6 vehicles (-m and -M defines the minimum and maximum number of vehicles, respectively), an upper bound of 950 and writes the solution at /CVRP/sol/A-n37-k6.sol. Note that for the arguments after bapdock we need to consider the container filesystem (/CVRP) to access the application and I/O arguments. All changes into /CVRP and subdirectories will be reflected at /ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_CVRP_APP.

When running from the local machine command line, Julia code will be compiled each time and thus building the model takes some time (like 30 seconds in a typical machine) even for small instances. The reported solution time, counted only after the code is compiled, is not affected.

To decrease recompilation time while creating/debugging the application, you can run the application in the interactive mode:

docker run -it --rm -v /ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_VRPSOLVER_APP:/MyApp bapdock

For example, for CVRP demo, we can call:

docker run -it --rm -v /ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_CVRP_APP:/CVRP bapdock

and to run the application inside the Julia environment, type (one at a time)

include("/CVRP/src/run.jl") # load CVRP demo
main(["/CVRP/data/A/A-n37-k6.vrp","-m","6","-M","6","-u","950","-o","/CVRP/sol/A-n37-k6.sol"]) # run CVRP demo
main(["/CVRP/data/A/A-n37-k5.vrp","-m","5","-M","5","-u","670"]) # running another instance without writing the solution
args = ["/CVRP/data/A/A-n37-k5.vrp","-m","5","-M","5","-u","671"] # defining arguments before
main(args) # running with predefined arguments

You can edit the application on your local machine and load inside Julia environment in the docker to test you changes, using "include". In this case, recompilation time will be minimized.

To quit the Julia environment, type


Other demos are available at the home page.

Easier way of running a Julia VRPSolver application

If you are using MacOS terminal or Docker QuickStart Terminal (available for Docker Toolbox on Windows and MacOS), it is possible to use the bash script VRPSolver available for each demo application to avoid call Docker directly. For example, for CVRP demo (see README.txt in the demo for more details), we can call:

./VRPSolver data/A/A-n37-k5.vrp -m 5 -M 5 -u 670

instead of:

docker run --rm -v /ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_CVRP_APP:/CVRP bapdock /CVRP/src/run.jl /CVRP/data/A/A-n37-k5.vrp -m 5 -M 5 -u 670


If you got the message " cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory », it means that the cplex directory was not successfully mounted. Please verify:
  1. you created a copy of (or to
  2. that CPLEX version is 12.9 or 12.10
  3. that CPLEX 64-bit Linux distribution is used, even if you have MacOS or Windows